Tier 1 Universal SEL

Tier 1 school mental health (SMH) supports are provided to all students in the school, whether or not they have been identified as at risk of having mental health needs. They serve as the foundation to build upon for tiers 2 and 3 within a multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) framework.

Tier 1 social emotional learning (SEL) supports address social, emotional, and behavioral needs of all students. These supports help foster positive environments where students feel safe and supported, and address universal needs related to social/emotional health and well-being. There is often overlap and similarity with tier 1 PBIS supports.

The type of supports and interventions will vary district to district and even school to school, as the needs of each community will differ significantly. However, tier 1 SEL generally focuses on the overall health and well-being of students and provide a base of support which meets the needs of approximately 75-90% of the school population. Areas of focus may include school climate, mental health awareness and skill building, and/or social emotional learning.
