
Big Picture

Implementation is the actual carrying out of the BIP. Interventions and supports need to be implemented with consistency and fidelity for a length of time which is long enough to allow the highest likelihood of success for behavior change. This time period will likely vary student to student and the decision to modify an intervention should be grounded in data-based decisions.

  • Consistency: provided in the same way, by all people, every day.
  • With Fidelity: provided as described in the plan (no modifications or adjustments)


Development of the student's BIP is only the first step. The next, and arguably most important step, is the actual implementation of the supports, strategies, and interventions included in the document. A perfectly written BIP will do the student little to no good if it is just kept in a file cabinet and not used by the team.

As such, it is recommended that the team consider and discuss a plan for implementation during the BIP development process, to ensure buy-in, feasibility, and understanding of the supports identified.

Key Concepts

Implementation requires the teacher(s), support staff, service providers, etc. to all understand the plan.

  • To support buy-in and more consistent implementation of the BIP, all team members should be involved in the development of the plan; e.g., the teacher(s) or implementor(s) should consult with the behavior specialist or school psychologist to ensure that strategies selected are a good match for the classroom setting.
  • Training, Coaching, and Feedback: A BIP should not be written and handed to the implementors without training and coaching; this includes support staff such as instructional assistants. If an adult is expected to implement the BIP, they should receive training and coaching to ensure implementation fidelity.
  • Consider the use of BIP Cheat Sheets: documents that quickly and easily outline what to do in specific situations. Cheat sheets take the key components of the BIP and transfer it into an easy to read, accessible document for all staff involved.
  • Consider development of Action and Coping Plan: Even the best written plans run into problems or fail because of unforeseen conditions. Creating Action and Coping plans during the BIP development process will help to identify and troubleshoot some of these areas, allowing for supports to be proactively put in place.


During the BIP development process, it may be helpful to discuss how the team will monitor and measure treatment integrity (i.e., the fidelity and consistency of intervention implementation).

Incorporation of treatment integrity documents would allow for development of measurement tools to monitor implementor behaviors related to the adherence to, quality of, and exposure to the steps of the intervention.


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